Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Scott Walker

This post is on Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, and his chart is very interesting.


Leftist- Venus sextile Neptune, Neptune contraparallel 2nd house cusp, ruler of Venus Mercury parallel 12th house cusp
Rightist- Taurus rules 2nd house

This suggests a fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon conjunct Neptune, ruler of Moon Pluto sextile and contraparallel Neptune, coruler Mars semi square Neptune
Rightist- Cancer rules 4th house, Pluto biquintile Neptune, Mars elevated and contraparallel 4th house cusp

Very mixed.


Libertarian- Pallas ruled by Mercury and sextile Sun, Mercury conjunct Sun
Authoritarian- Mercury semi square Pluto, Pallas contraparallel Jupiter and parallel South Node, Pallas at Jupiter/Pluto midpoint, ruler of Pallas Mercury in Scorpio

Aggressive Pallas.

Fiscally to the left, mixed socially, aggressive Pallas- Right wing authoritarian

This suggests that the people who put Walker in the "RINO" camp may be onto something, as the econ leans strongly to the left and the culture is mixed with no real edge to either sdide, which usually pushes someone to the right.

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