Thursday, January 5, 2017

How To Tell the Left from the Right

Leftists (Democrats, Green Party, Peace and Freedom party) unanimously have fluid Venus (Venus, 2nd house, and their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, and the 12th house) and fluid Moon (Moon, the 4th house, and their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, and the 12th house). This is because people who lean to the left tend to symphasize with oppressed people, such as minorities, the poor and working class, and the LGBT community. Leftists strongly believe in a secure safety net for the poor and support equal rights for everyone, while being against things like the wealthy getting richer and richer at the expense of the "little people" and the anti abortion platform of GOP extremists, which would force women to give birth to a child, even in cases of rape or incest (being born when you're not wanted and having characteristics of your mother's rapist, and having siblings as parents would be a lot of baggage to deal with, and being in an adoption center for an undisclosed amount of time would be even more).

Rightists (Republicans, Reform Party, American Independent party, some Libertarians) can have solid Venus (Venus, the 2nd house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node) AND solid Moon (the Moon, the 4th house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node), but often have only solid Venus or only solid Moon. Evangelical Christians are unanimously cultural conservatives, but often support a socialized military and excessive military spending in order to "protect the homeland", which is the opposite of leftists who'd rather spend the money to help out the oppressed than send them to war (I know both major parties are guilty of war mongering, but the GOP Neocons are most known for it). Practicing Catholics are also cultural conservatives, but support economic policies that benefit the poor and needy. Secular Republicans tend to be more socially liberal, but fiscally conservative.

Libertarians tend to always have solid Venus and defensive Pallas (strong defensive Pallas with mixed or mostly right wing economic indicators can lean someone to the right economically), but can have either solid or fluid Moon. Libertarians are strongly anti war and for equal rights, yet believe in an unregulated economy. Small government is their motto. People who have fluid Venus, fluid Moon, and defensive Pallas are Left Libertarians, but are generally Democrats because the Democratic party platform fits their fluid Venus and fluid Moon astrological impulses.

Also, in person, leftists tend to carry themselves more loosely and have more expressive smiles, whereas rightists tend to carry themselves in a more reserved and sophisticated manner. This is especially true if they're religious, which the vast majority of rightists are. There is also a theory that men on the left are more attractive than men on the right and that women on the right are more attractive than women on the left, but most of the Hollywood actresses are very good looking and very liberal, yet carry themselves loosely, have expressive smiles, and have strong left wing indicators in their charts, all strong indicators of leaning to the left.

The more we understand that political views are innate, the more peaceful it would be, as it's silly to be so divided over things that cannot be changed.

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