Sunday, April 30, 2017

Why We Don't Need Money Anymore

This is another informative post from about the true nature of money.
Why We Don't Need Money Anymore

by Norman Bird,
Guest writer,

The idea of money

It’s just an idea. One way of doing things. Similar to a nations voting system or how we treat the health care of our citizens. Over the last 50 years or so, most of the world has embraced the idea of “full coverage” single payer health for all its citizens. So health care is a 50 year idea.
But money is an idea that is over 10 thousand years old here on Earth. Meaning, some guy over 10,000 years ago decided intentionally implemented this. And here we are still doing it.
What if the level of consciousness was not that loving 10,000 years ago? Why would we choose to continue using an idea that was created from a human or being that existed when the conscious level of humans back then were extremely barbaric? I mean the Roman empire, the Spanish Inquisition, The Christian Crusades, Attila The Hun. We are not talking a very expanded, loving , compassionate and understanding mentality back then. They simply did not know how to do it.
We must remember that just over 2,000 years ago, a being that had Mastered love came and gave The Sermon On The Mount, and spoke of how things could be if we only chose to be more kind and loving to each other. And although in his presence everyone agreed that love and sharing was the best way for all concerned, when they were not in his presence they fell back to the same old “lower” consciousness of separation, ego, power and fear.
This same lower consciousness eventually led the beings from back then to “remove” this source of the idea of unconditional love, that they were simply not ready for. Yet. But the seed was planted and it grew and grew and grew and today, over 2,000 years later, we are thankfully not impaling people’s heads on stakes, or feeding people to the lions anymore. Why? We have evolved consciously. We are therefore more loving, more sharing and do not feel the need to elicit control over others, as much as we did back then. No, we are still not perfect Christed beings, yet; but we are also certainly not at the same level of consciousness of when someone in power, created the idea of money.
So why are we still using this outdated scheme of power and control over others? Why are we still paying for everything?
We pay for almost everything. Electricity, water, transportation(via fuel), housing, using whatever the local version of money is. And of course the local governing bodies control the creation of this money, literally out of thin air. How convenient for them right? It’s a good thing that the people who have power in these local governing bodies are not corrupt, else it could get nasty right? Luck for us all politicians are always in full integrity right? 🙂 Of course I am being sarcastic, today’s politicians have never been more corrupt, meaning our system of money is being manipulated in all kind of unscrupulously profiteering ways.

Time for a NEW idea. FREE everything! If its needed, its free.

So we have and are using money, but is it still necessary?
I mean, isn’t electricity from the Sun? Does the Sun not provide all its abundant energy to us all for free? So why are we paying this “local” money exchange idea for infinite energy that is provided for free?
If we need generators to convert the sun’s unlimited potential energy to power that we can send to power lines, why don’t we just build or provide a local plant for the local people and provide this needed local electricity to the people for free? Problem solved! The sun provide free energy to the planet and ALL the people now have unlimited free energy, without having to continuously “pay” for something that is can be available free.
But who would build the local generators? I would! And many others of like mind. Everyone in the local community would join in and work to build and monitor it for free, since it would ensure a lifetime of free energy for their future generations.
People are already doing this around the world for many projects that are termed “open source.” For instance this website is built on an open source content management system(CMS) called WordPress. And hundreds of programmers work on the public domain code and build and upgrade in their free time and over 20 million people use it for free on as many websites. There is an open source operating system called Linux hat rivals the paid OS called Windows. Open source is proof that if something is allowed to be built and provided freely to the masses, we will not have a shortage of kind people who will organize and build it, for free!
So we can and we will build autonomous energy plants that are not for profit. This idea of “profit” is over 10,000 years old. Time for us to grow up. Like Prince said: “Act our age not your shoe size.” 🙂

So why have we not already done this?

Seems to me that this is a no-brainer and better idea than for everyone to pay one individual, every month, for electricity right? So why are we still locked in this ancient way of thinking…this old idea of separation, power and control. This ancient idea of me over you?
Because it’s all about consciousness. And when it comes to consciousness there are only really 2 kinds:
1.Service to self
2.Service to others
You are either oriented towards service of self or service to others. The service to others is a more advanced, mature and spiritually evolved, more loving vibration.
Now why do I say love vibration and why is that so important? Because love is where we all originate from. We are born as eternal souls, from this eternal thing call love, which is also the primordial thing we call existence itself. We come from love and incarnate into bodies in this thing called “physical reality” where we play with the idea of a thing called “free will.” Where we are free to choose, even that which does not serve us. Meaning, we are free and allowed to choose despair, pain and even suffering. Free to hand over our power, to someone else to govern.
We enter as love, from love, to a place where we are free to choose to act in a manner that is unloving to ourselves and others. And the only reason we are doing so is because. . . we have forgotten that we are love. We simply have devolved to a point where we do not remember that we are love, incarnate. Does that about sum it up? Is the world around you starting to make a little bit more sense now?

Our Devolvement goes back to Orion

We devolved slowly over millions and millions of years. Over many different planets and star systems. We devolved to the point of “ungodliness”, if such a thing were possible, we achieved it. In our lowered separation consciousness of service of self, of power and control, we have blew up not only entire planets, but entire star systems.
The saga of the evolution of humanity’s consciousness originate a very long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. It climaxed in a star system called Orion and with something called the Orion Wars. Sounds like Star Wars doesn’t it? Bashar once said “all our fiction are real.” Meaning, there is more truth in our movies that most of us realize. Consciousness had devolved so much that the idea of service of self was strong and this “me me me” idea became all about power and control. It fostered a lack of respect for what was in the best interest of the whole. Many died in these wars of worlds trying to conquer other worlds. Many were then enslaved when they lost battles. Think the Empire Strikes Back, but a hundred times worse.
But since our souls are eternal, even after death, and when our planets were destroyed, we would simply re-incarnate unto other planets and into other bodies. In short, beings who fought and died in the Orion wars would eventually incarnate into bodies on a planet called Marduk, which they eventually blew up using what we would consider nuclear technology. The planet Marduk was and is still located between the planets we humans call Mars and Jupiter. Only now, Marduk is a highly radioactive asteroid belt consisting of over an estimated million pieces, which consists of tiny rock and metallic objects that range in size from tiny to some that are over 1 kilometer in size. Stretched out at a distance of 205 to 300 million miles from the Sun.

Astroid belt

So the lower consciousness idea of service to self, over the idea of service to others, led the civilizations which was Marduk, to blow itself to smithereens using nuclear weapons. Remember, they are allowed to choose to do this when playing with the idea that is free will. 🙂 After all, this is only one Universe out of an infinite, in which we as eternal souls play right? 🙂
And so the souls from the now dead planet Marduk required a new planet in order to continue their spiritual evolvement. Remember we devolved, mission accomplished, so now we needed to evolve back to this thing called love from which we came. They chose the planet we are now calling Mars.
And so life flourished on Mars. . . .until these being once again fought and they ended up blowing the atmosphere off of Mars for quite some time. Although some life eventually returned to Mars and are there now, millions of years ago, the life on the surface was wiped out for a while. So yes, life is on Mars now, and so are many humans from Earth, but this is a story for another day. Word on the street is that this will be something that will be disclosed to humanity soon. Right now, it is one of the biggest secrets of those who are still oriented to service of self consciousness. But anyone with an internet connection and Google, can learn all about humans on Mars in a short amount of time. I did, and so can you.
So now that they were unable to incarnate into bodies on Mars, you guessed it, they started to incarnate on Earth. So yes, they are us. Now you understand where all the hostility on Earth comes from. Why in some places you can’t leave your door unlocked. Why we are always at war, it all makes more sense now. Why the U.S. is now taunting North Korea, China, Syria and Russia into World War III. All because of this idea called free will, and the bad habits obtained in lives in the Orion system, Marduk and Mars. Bad habits that are a challenge to break.
And I explained all this to give you a reference of the consciousness that created the idea of money. It was all about service to self, and all about power and control.

The Idea Of Money

The idea of money originated millions of years ago, think 100 millions years ago; in the star system of Orion. Think dark lords and the dark side. Think how corruption and lies are the main tools into getting people to give over their power to corrupt people who swore to uphold justice on their behalf, only to be betrayed. Think taking candy from a baby. We are talking some low consciousness stuff.

The Giza Pyramids were built in the configuration of the alignment of the 3 stars of the Orion belt, in consideration of the fact that much of the souls incarnating on Earth today, originate from there. We are finishing the ideas that we played with on Orion, by playing them out here. Until we get them right.
In Orion they originated the idea of money whereas a select few can benefit from the work of the masses. It was one of the first thing they implanted on a planet in which they concurred and enslaved. On Earth we first see evidence of it in ancient Sumeria where it was called the Babylonian Money Magic Enslavement System. Google is your friend here, but the basic idea is that instead of people trading resources, which is fine and decentralized with no governmental control or requirements, money however, was a form of centralized governmental control. Now you have people working for you, and in exchange you give them fiat money or computer digits in an account. You became wealthy because of how much imaginary money you held and not for the service that you provided to society. A few benefit and have unlimited resource from the populace, while everyone else has to work to earn it.
The financial system has a thing called the rule of nine; whereby a bank is allowed to create, out of thin air, nine times the amount of actual money that they hold. This is called credit, and we have to do actual work in order to obtain this imaginary money. Quite a scheme huh?
So now we know why we are paying for everything. Water, electricity etc. Why its centralized. How it all originates from the idea of service of self consciousness where we consider our self to be separate and above others and how at its base is the idea of power and control.
But the most important thing that we see is how we no longer require money to pay for anything, especially electricity and water, which are both abundant and in infinite supply. We can never run out of water for the same reason that we can never run out of sun, there is simply an infinite amount of them as far as humanity is concerned. Remember, the spiritual name for water is The Undine, which to me is a synchronistic contraction for un-dying. Meaning water, like fire is an eternal element. You drink it, urinate it, it evaporates up to the cloud, rain falls, and we can once again drink it. The only reason for a civilization to choose to pay for an element that is here in abundance and provided by love for free, is because we have been duped. 🙂 And by now you know who has done the duping and what kind of consciousness they are right?
OK, so now we have covered the service of self consciousness. Let’s dive into the where we are and where we are headed; the service to others consciousness. Think Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Harriet Tubman. All the white people who created and facilitated the underground railroad which helped slaves. Think John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Think The Sea Shepherd who serve to protect whales and life in the sea. Think Green peace. And yes think Edward Snowden and Julian Assange of Wikileaks. Who all have put aside their own considerations in order to be of service to humanity as a whole, by revealing governmental corruption.
It is no accident that last Wednesday Wikileaks said that they will soon provide evidence that the CIA has broken the law, and that on Friday, the CIA declared that they will seek to arrest Julian Assange. What a coincidence right?
Do you see what is happening here? We are in the midst of a planet that is transitioning from service of self consciousness, think (CIA) and the American dollar, to service of others consciousness, think no more CIA and Bitcoin. 🙂Bitcoin, for those who are among the uninitiated, is the future of money. It is a decentralized currency. An idea that is so scary to the status quo, that Barack Obama mentioned bitcoin it in a speech and stated that “everyone would be able to walk around with a Swiss Bank account in their pocket.” See? One consciousness feels that is a bad thing, but I for one, feel that is an amazingly exciting idea whose time has come.
So as our consciousness changes, and it is, for the better, we will be more loving to ourselves and we will no longer be charging ourselves for things like electricity and water. Because this only serves a few, and it clearly does not serve the masses to charge ourselves for something that is free. We will allow the abundance of the sun and water to be shared as it should be, freely. This is where we are headed. It’s all about the level of consciousness that gets to be expressed. Unconditional love or not. That’s the only choice we ever have really.
As we are transitioning to a positively oriented society, nation’s and planet, we are changing everything. This is why you see all the changes going on in the world. Just look at all the resignations of world leaders that we have seen. We have even seen a Pope and king resign. Look at all the whistle-blowers who are releasing information about governmental corruption. Everything is slowly changing to fit the new level of consciousness that we now are. So please consider not drinking the kool aid, and political business as usual. Ask yourself “am I service of self or service to others consciousness.” And lets stand together in unity as we take back the power we gave over to our governments, and start to change everything. Unite! Refuse to be separated. Stop paying for things that should be free!
About the authorNorman Bird is a student/teacher, author, speaker and life coach on all things Nature of Reality and being happy. And has studied Alchemy with the Lords of Light and Ascended Masters. His website is
Like I've said before, money is still slavery, just a less in your face version of it. If you NEED to do a job, in order to earn money to survive on, then you aren't truly free as you don't have much of a choice. A true living God wouldn't endorse making people have to "prove their worth", or else die. The Anunnaki is said to have created humans as a hybrid slave race (that's why we look so different compared to the animals on Earth), and the OT God is either Enlil or Enki depending on which verse (Enki is the more benevolent being). Jesus' message was that of love, whereas the OT features a lot of war and human sacrifice (things the Illuminati are known for today, and why Yahweh/Jehovah is likely the being they worship, as the OT God is the central figure of Judaism, and Zionist Jews are at the top of the pyramid outside of their "master"). None of this is a coincidence.

Steve Borden

This post is on professional wrestler Steve "Sting" Borden.


Leftist- Venus opposite Neptune, ruler of 2nd house Saturn sextile Neptune, ruler of Venus Mars sesquiquadrate Neptune
Rightist- Mars trine North Node, Saturn parallel North Node

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon square Neptune, ruler of 4th house Mars sesquiquadrate Neptune,South Node in 4th house
Rightist- Moon in Cancer quintile North Node, Mars trine North Node

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Ruler of Pallas Venus semi sextile Sun
Authoritarian- Venus trine Pluto

Aggressive Pallas.

Fiscally to the left, socially to the right, aggressive Pallas- Right wing authoritarian

This describes him well.

Randy Savage

This post is on former professional wrestler Randy Savage.


Leftist- Neptune in 2nd house, ruler of Venus Jupiter parallel South Node
Rightist-  Jupiter in Taurus square the Nodes

Fiscal conservative.


Leftist- Moon conjunct Neptune, ruler of 4th house Jupiter parallel South Node
Rightist- Jupiter square the Nodes, Moon parallel North Node, ruler of Moon Venus in 4th house

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Pallas trine Sun, ruler of Pallas Neptune semi sextile Sun, coruler Jupiter opposite Sun and quincunx Mercury and square the Nodes, Pallas parallel North Node
Authoritarian- Neptune sextile Pluto, Jupiter square Pluto, Pallas contraparallel Jupiter, Jupiter parallel South Node

Defensive Pallas.

Fiscally and socially to the right, defensive Pallas- Paleoconservative

This describes him well.

Eric and Loree Bischoff

This post is on former president of WCW Eric Bischoff and his wife Loree, who posed for Playboy in 2005.

Eric Bischoff


Leftist- Ruler of 2nd house Mercury trine Neptune and conjunct South Node
Rightist- Venus in Taurus sesquiquadrate North Node

Fiscal conservative.


Leftist- Moon sextile and contraparallel Neptune on 4th house cusp
Rightist- Moon trine North Node and contraparallel 4th house cusp, ruler of Moon Sun quadrinovile North Node

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Pallas opposite/parallel Mercury and conjunct North Node, ruler of Pallas Jupiter semi sextile Mercury and quincunx North Node, Jupiter parallel Sun
Authoritarian- Pallas trine/parallel Pluto and parallel South Node

Defensive Pallas.

Fiscally and socially to the right, defensive Pallas- Paleoconservative

This describes him well.

Loree Bischoff


Leftist- Venus in 12th house quadrinovile Neptune, ruler of 2nd house Moon biquintile Pluto
Rightist- Venus in Taurus square the Nodes, Moon quincunx North Node

Fiscal conservative.


Leftist- Moon biquintile Neptune, ruler of Moon Mars sextile and contraparallel Neptune, ruler of 4th house Sun trine Neptune
Rightist- Moon quincunx North Node in 4th house, Sun in Cancer, Mars in 4th house conjunct North Node

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Ruler of Pallas Neptune trine Sun and Mercury, coruler Jupiter contraparallel Mercury
Authoritarian- Neptune sextile Pluto, trine South Node, and square Jupiter, Jupiter quincunx/contraparallel Pluto, Neptune parallel South Node

Aggressive Pallas.

Fiscally and socially to the right, aggressive Pallas- Right wing authoritarian

This describes Eric very well and his wife having a similar chart but more authoritarian isn't surprising.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Phylicia Rashad

This post is on actress Phylicia Rashad.


Leftist- Venus square Neptune and trine South Node
Rightist- North Node in 2nd house in Taurus, Taurus rules 2nd house

Fiscal conservative.


Leftist- Ruler of Moon Jupiter quintile Neptune, ruler of 4th house Mercury square Neptune and trine South Node
Rightist- Mercury in Cancer in the 4th house, Jupiter elevated

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Pallas conjunct North Node, ruler of Pallas Venus conjunct Mercury and Sun
Authoritarian- Pallas sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Venus trine South Node, contraparallel Jupiter, and parallel Pluto

Aggressive Pallas.

Fiscally and socially to the right, aggressive Pallas- Right wing authoritarian

This suggests she might be more like her character on the Cosby Show than Cosby's, as he has left wing indicators in both categories.

Arsenio Hall

This post is on liberal comedian Arsenio Hall.


Leftist- Venus quincunx Neptune and quintile South Node, ruler of 2nd house Saturn in 12th house semi sextile Neptune
Rightist- ruler of Venus Mars conjunct North Node and parallel 2nd house cusp, North Node parallel 2nd house cusp

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon trine Neptune and squine South Node, ruler of Moon Uranus square Neptune, coruler Saturn in 12th house semi sextile Neptune
Rightist- Uranus in Cancer sesquiquadrate North Node, Mars conjunct North Node

Cultural liberal.


Libertarian- Ruler of Pallas Uranus sesquiquadrate North Node and opposite Mercury, coruler Saturn square Sun and sextile/parallel Mercury
Authoritarian- Saturn square Jupiter and Pluto, Uranus semi sextile Pluto, Pallas trine North Node


Fiscally and socially to the left, mixed Pallas- Left wing partisan

This describes him well.

Which Pluto Generation Are You?

This is another interesting article from, about Pluto generations and their roles.

Which Pluto Generation Are You?

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Pluto is known as the ‘Destroyer’ and will tell you what life challenges you will have. Each generation has a different location for Pluto on their birth charts along with corresponding energies that create generational effects within each one of these astrological signs.
Because of Pluto’s elliptical orbit that on occasion, runs inside the orbit of Neptune, it will stay in any given sign from 13 to 30 years.
With the exception of possibly Pluto in Cancer, it is highly unlikey that a parent and child will share the same generational energy.

Back in 2008, during the banking collapse, I released a video called, “Banking Collapse Announces the Beginning of the Golden Age” and a lot of people didn’t see the big picture on how the collapse of all of these banks was actually a blessing because they were too tied up in 3rd dimensional thinking and could not envision a world without money, which means they can only envision a world where they’re forever being an economic slave to the system.

Pluto in Cancer

My mother (born at the end of Pluto in Cancer) has a hard time with this concept and you’ll find that people who were born with Pluto in Cancer or the early years of Pluto in Leo on their birth charts are pretty much set in their ways. ThePluto in Cancer generation were born between May 26, 1914 through June 14, 1939 and the Pluto in Leo generation were born between June 14, 1939 through August 19, 1957.  I’m not saying it’s everyone, because all generations are waking up right now, but when you’re talking about the Pluto in Cancer generation, they generally are more set in their ways than the Pluto in Leo generation.

Pluto in Leo

The Pluto in Leo generation brought us rock n’ roll, the hippie movement and peaceful protests against government tyranny and oppression but many of them ended up conforming to society and are now the leaders of the banking industry or are politicians or are leaders of the mainstream media and are the ones responsible for keeping us suppressed as a society.
Also keep in mind that many of the people toward the end of the Pluto in Leo generation have a lot of the same energies as the Pluto in Virgo generation.  These are the “Make love, not war” flower children who led many protests and radically changed the way of thinking for many people.  Unfortunately, the hippie movement was too disorganized and despite having the best of intentions, it fell to the wayside only to be revived in a more organized fashion, right now.  Many of these people who were born in the latter part of the Pluto in Leo generation stand true to their values and refuse to comply to a society that is not in harmony with humanity’s best interests.

Pluto in Virgo

Many of the Pluto in Virgo children of the 1960’s can remember the feeling of the energies of the “Summer of Love” that was planted by the Pluto in Leo generation but were too young to understand what it meant.
The Pluto in Virgo generation have many of the trailblazers who began questioning the system and were the first generation who truly began looking outside the box and all of the subsequent generations afterwards, which includes Pluto in LibraScorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn will be the beneficiaries of the Pluto in Virgo generation.  If you look at many of the leaders within this spiritual and metaphysical genre, you’ll find an extremely high percentage of people that have Pluto in Virgo, myself included, and from the Pluto in Virgo generation moving forward, we’re all here to make a huge difference in this world and we will all be considered the founding mothers and fathers who led future generations into the Golden Age.
We are the generations who dared to be different in such a radical way, that we didn’t conform to society… society conformed to us.
With the seed planted, all of the subsequent generations following Pluto in Virgo will be known as the people who forever changed our society from one that is ruled by tyranny and oppression to one that works in humanity’s best interests.  Those in power are trying to do their best to keep these generations distracted through cell phones, video games, television, etc… but at some point, it will just “click” within these generations that they’re here for a much greater purpose.

Pluto in Libra

The Pluto in Libra energy is centered around partnerships and relationships, and many of these children born into this generation experienced parental divorces.  The children are known as the Gen-X kids and unlike their parents who divorced during this time period, they are more likely to find balance within their relationships once they settle on finding a lifelong partner.  Many of these kids either excelled in the arts and music or have an affinity for either.
This is the time when a new breed of children started incarnating to this planet.
Many of these people are known as being the indigo children and the crystal children and while we, as parents, may not understand their obsessions for texting, planking, batmanning, etc… these are the children who are rebelling in their own ways.  They are more apt to work things out on their own rather than receiving help from others and this is a blessing because it teaches them how to problem solve at an early age.

Pluto in Scorpio

The Pluto in Scorpio generation is a good example of this. Many of these kids will hit the “Dark Night of the Soul” at an early age, which is a blessing.  At some point, it will seem that life couldn’t possibly get any worse than it is for these kids, but they’ll learn a lot from these experiences and will exponentially grow as spiritual beings from it. There is a good chance that many of the Pluto in Scorpio generation will experience the Dark Night of the Soul around the same time that their parents are experiencing it.

Pluto in Sagittarius

The Pluto in Sagittarius generation is very philosophical and rebellious. They seek action and abhor boredom. This is the generation that will take current ideas and turn them into something so amazingly unfathomable that it will completely change life as we know it. From this generation, we are going to see many new ideas and inventions from kids who have limited educations in any given areas of life, yet are able to figure things out without the need of a formal education.  In other words, it will seem as though their minds are wired a little bit differently as they are able to access both hemispheres of the brain with relative ease.

Pluto in Capricorn

The Pluto in Capricorn generation were born with the energies of complete restoration and will take that which was created to control humanity and turn it into something that is in humanity’s best interests.  They were born into the energy of being controlled and find it very discordant to their demeanor. With this energy locked into their cellular DNA, they will use it to further the ideas from the Pluto in Sagittarius generation and turn something that was previously thought of as being amazingly unfathomable into some well beyond that!

How these generational groups are affecting us TODAY!

The systems of control are all on the verge of collapse.  These systems are being run by the Pluto in Cancer and the Pluto in Leo generations and as they pass on to the other side, they will be replaced with more radically positive people from the subsequent generations who are more willing to work in humanity’s best interests than in the name of greed, power and control.
We are already seeing this in the mainstream media as the Washington Post was recently sold to the founder and chief executive of Amazon.  Perhaps the Washington Post will become the first newspaper to refuse publishing state sponsored propaganda?  It will be interesting to see how this plays out!
As we all transit through Pluto in Capricorn, we are going to see monumental changes in religion, money and politics as all of these systems will collapse because they are not in harmony with humanity’s best interests.  The current system is broken beyond repair and it’s time to replace it with something that works in best interests of humanity, not against them.
While Pluto is in Capricorn, we’re going to continue to see an awakening in exponential numbers, but it’s from this point forward whether we create the change we want to see or whether we allow those who have kept us living in tyranny and oppression to make that decision for us.
While some of the dates in the Pluto generation picture are inaccurate (Pluto in Virgo starts in October 1956 and goes through January 1957, before going back into Leo until August 1957, when it goes back into Virgo for good except for a short retrograde in April-June 1958, and Pluto in Leo starts in October 1937 for a month before going back into Cancer until August 1938, when it goes into Leo until February 1939, when it makes its final retrograde into Cancer until June 1939), the message is what counts. Just like political ideology, our generational characteristics are defined by our Pluto signs as well as our Neptune signs, and like liberals and conservatives, each generation has its own look. The dates of the Baby Boomers is mostly consistent (though people have noticed that the later ones are not as loud... Pluto in Virgo and Neptune in Scorpio!), though Generation X and the Millennials' dates are often debated, and if these astrological boundaries were common knowledge, they wouldn't be debated. And if you look back at the years you were alive, you can easily find the influence of the outer planets on culture (for example, the peaceful 90s was during Pluto in Sagittarius/Neptune in Capricorn, as Pluto in Scorpio was the Gulf War, LA riots, Iran Contra, Panama Invasion, end of the Cold War, fall of the Berlin Wall, etc.). The more this knowledge goes mainstream, the more peaceful society will be, because of more understanding.

The Systems Of The Dark Workers Are Unraveling

This is another informative post from about how the systems implemented by the Illuminati are unraveling, which is a result of the Pluto in Capricorn transit, which has gone on since 2008 and will continue until 2024.

The Systems Of The Dark Workers Are Unraveling

by Eric Raines,
Guest writer,
This is a subject I personally did not want to broach due to the heavier nature of the subject, but with the events of today, it needs to be discussed.
There are human men and women on this planet who are working in conjunction with the parasitic construct in exchange for physical power and control. Many of these people are known, such as prominent celebrities, politicians, bankers and corporate heads, and many are unknown, such as the men and women controlling the people who appear to be running the show.
These people have a whole system of hidden societies and groups that stretch out into the general populace, and many of us interact with them on a daily basis without knowing it.
Their system of control is multi-tiered. Starting on the etheric side with the multiple layers of control directed at keeping humanity in the lowest vibration possible, filled with physical and emotional pain, leading directly into the physical systems of control such as the programming, brainwashing, nonstop wars, false flags, fake food, big pharma, etc….
These are the people who are running the physical side. The Cabal or theIlluminati if you will. Using Babylonian slave money magic and programming of the collective consciousness, they have steered humanity into the situation we now face.
Their power is greatly increased with rituals over leyline convergence points geared around torture, rape, murder, fracturing traumas and pedophilia. Throughout history they have placed a grid around the planet with dark rituals that have created a collective blood consciousness that they can then tap into to power their personal power and abilities.
The only way to describe this web of blood connection born of utmost, extreme trauma and death is the Blood God of War.
The energy of this consciousness is a swirling tornado of blood, fire, acid and flaying edges.
This web was eliminated on April 28th around 11:50AM Pacific time.
The dark workers connected into this field are extremely weak on the etheric side, as in their control over the collective consciousness that was slipping before is now free of much of the influence that has lead us here.
The consequences of this are huge. We can take our collective consciousness back. This was a major blow to the systems of the dark.
The direct reaction will most likely be physical. Worldwide tensions right now are very heated, and there is most likely going to be a physical push for fear in the near future. i do not know specifics of who, what, how, or why, but this most likely will be within the week.
This is the reason for these actions. These people are going to feel the lack of connection to their dark power, and the entities on the other side they were in direct connection to, are going to have to push back and reconnect to them, which some most likely are reconnecting right now, but all of them will take at least 48 hours.
As soon as they are fully connected to everyone, the entities are going to be pushing for mass rituals around the planet to force the blood web to reconnect, as well as pushing the political and economic climate into more upheaval to push more and more fear into the surface populace.
Here is the thing though. Human potential is limitless, even in its own scope to enslave itself into a limitation. The guiding hand is removed and a small group of an awakened population can push the whole collective onto a different track.
The pushback from the dark can be completely mitigated, if not returned back to them with the Aikido principles of redirecting force back to the attacker.
Here is OUR job.
Recognize that the world is in chaos. Recognize that fear is going to be pushed. Recognize that it does not affect you. YOU are a bastion of light….a rock in the storm. Recognize that YOU are the center of YOUR YOUniverse.
See something in your minds eye that bring a genuine smile to your face….the laughter of your child, a puppy licking your face….anything to evoke the energy of a smile, and then take deep, controlled belly breaths into the body through the filter of that smile, lighting you inner YOUniverse with a golden laugh.
Breathe the smile into your heartspace, lighting up the chest as brightly as possible, and see your light connecting out to other points of light doing the same. Synchronized meditations are very helpful in connecting in, but this work is timeless. Whenever you connect in, you are connecting in with everyone who has or will do this exercise, so take note of this as you do it as well.
Sit in this connectivity for a few deep, full breaths, feeling your flow reach out in an ebb and flow of connectivity in the breath.
Now, as a collective, turn your attention to what you know this world is supposed to be. Free! Open! Alive! See the entire population of the world waking up to the awareness of multi-dimensionality and losing the fear of death. See the understanding of how slave money magic works sparking to life in every mind. See the programmed cycles of self perpetuating trauma begin to end as people break the cycle of hate within themselves and begin to radiate love.
Visualize this as a real thing that you can reach out to through time. Make this OUR future. Make this OUR NOW!!!
See the lines of death and destruction that connect like a web across the planet dissolve into brilliant golden fire, dissolving the old, and rebirthing the new in the Flames of Rebirth and Purity.
The old systems will try to reassert themselves. We now have a foot in the door to make sure that they will not be able to. Recognize things might look crazy from the outside, but what matters is your ability to transmute darkness inside of yourself, so close your eyes, take a deep breath, and impose your knowledge of Natural Humanity onto the fake systems we are breaking free from.
The time is NOW. It always is. We are the ones we have been waiting for. It is time to rise. Like the tide. Gentle, soft, inexorable, unstoppable. We are the shift.
From my heart to yours,
Unleashing Natural Humanity
The combination of Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces (2011-2026) is the signature of the current awakening. Just 10 years ago with Pluto in Sagittarius and Neptune in Aquarius, very few people knew the true nature of our governments and the systems they implement, and now more people are awakened than ever before, though there are many who are still unaware. Because of this critical mass, the country has never been more divided, in an attempt to get us at each other's throats rather than uniting against the real enemy. That is why this blog exists, to show that one of the main reasons we're divided, political ideology, is in your birth chart, and I have hundreds of examples and counting. Like sexual orientation (I don't know anyone who had to decide if they were straight or not!), it's pointless to be do divided over stuff that's part of our astrological makeup. The asteroid Pallas is the main indicator of a person's ethical nature, and those with aggressive or mixed Pallas are the ones who are most likely to go along with the Illuminati agenda for wealth and power. In my research, the majority of celebrities, news anchors, televangelists, and politicians have heavily compromised Pallas placements, and the Illuminati funding both the Republican and Democratic parties is why these people often do have the ideology they express publically in their charts. The more this knowledge becomes known, the greater chance of us electing people who will work in humanity's best interests.

Ethan Carter III

This post is on professional wrestler Ethan Carter III.


Leftist- Venus trine Neptune and South Node, coruler of 2nd house Saturn sextile Neptune, ruler of 2nd house Uranus parallel Neptune
Rightist- Ruler of Venus Mars quintile North Node, Saturn trine North Node

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Ruler of Moon Venus trine Neptune and South Node
Rightist- Moon in 4th house parallel the cusp, ruler of 4th house Venus on 4th house cusp

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Pallas sextile Mercury, ruler of Pallas Saturn trine North Node, biquintile Sun, and sesquiquadrate Mercury
Authoritarian- Saturn conjunct Pluto

Defensive Pallas.

Fiscally to the left, socially to the right, defensive Pallas- Libertarian

This describes him well.

Alan Colmes

This post is on former liberal political commentator Alan Colmes.


Leftist- Ruler of Venus Mercury semi sextile Neptune, ruler of 2nd house Moon in Pisces parallel Neptune, Venus and Mercury contraparallel Neptune
Rightist- Nothing

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon in Pisces parallel Neptune, ruler of 4th house Sun conjunct South Node
Rightist- Nothing

Cultural liberal.


Libertarian- Ruler of Pallas Pluto semi sextile Mercury, coruler Mars trine North Node, sextile Sun, and quintile Mercury
Authoritarian- Pallas ruled by Pluto, Pluto opposite Jupiter, Mars square Jupiter and contraparallel Pluto

Aggressive Pallas.

Fiscally and socially to the left, aggressive Pallas- Left wing authoritarian

This describes him well.

Friday, April 28, 2017

One Of My Neighbors- Revised

This is a revised post on one of my neighbors, who looks like Scorpio rising at a second glance, as the arched eyebrows made her look like Sagittarius rising.


Leftist- Venus sextile Neptune, ruler of Venus Mercury square Neptune and conjunct South Node, ruler of 2nd house Jupiter in 12th house semi sextile Neptune on 2nd house cusp
Rightist- Jupiter parallel North Node

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon square Neptune and conjunct South Node, ruler of Moon Sun contraparallel Neptune, Neptune parallel 4th house cusp, coruler of 4th house Saturn opposite Neptune
Rightist- Sun elevated, North Node in 4th house

Cultural liberal.


Libertarian- Pallas quincunx Sun, ruler of Pallas Neptune square Mercury and contraparallel Sun, coruler Jupiter parallel North Node
Authoritarian- Neptune sextile Pluto and semi sextile Jupiter, Pallas parallel South Node and contraparallel Jupiter


Fiscally and socially to the left, mixed Pallas- Left wing partisan

The left wing indicators are still prevalent.

My High School Psychology Teacher- Revised

This is a revised post on my high school psychology teacher,who looks like Gemini rising in younger pictures of her.


Leftist- Venus sextile Neptune, ruler of 2nd house Moon conjunct Neptune
Rightist- Moon square the Nodes, Venus quincunx North Node

Fiscal conservative.


Leftist- Moon conjunct Neptune, South Node on 4th house cusp, ruler of Moon Jupiter semi sextile Neptune, ruler of 4th house Mercury quintile Neptune
Rightist- Ruler of 4th house Mercury in 4th house quindecile North Node, Jupiter trine/parallel North Node and contraparallel 4th house cusp, Moon square the Nodes

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Ruler of Pallas Neptune square Sun and quintile Mercury, coruler Jupiter trine/parallel North Node, quintile Sun, and semi square Mercury
Authoritarian- Neptune sextile Pluto and semi sextile Jupiter, Pallas contraparallel Jupiter and parallel South Node

Defensive Pallas.

Fiscally and socially to the right, defensive Pallas- Paleoconservative

The right wing indicators are still prevalent.

Alec Baldwin- Revised

This is a revised post on liberal actor Alec Baldwin, who looks like Taurus rising in young pictures of him, and the Libra I saw in him was his Moon.


Leftist- Venus trine and parallel Neptune, South Node in Taurus, ruler of 2nd house Mercury in 12th house opposite Neptune and conjunct South Node, ruler of Venus Uranus sextile Neptune
Rightist- Venus parallel North Node, Mercury in Taurus

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon semi sextile Neptune and quincunx South Node, ruler of Moon Venus trine and parallel Neptune, Moon parallel 12th house cusp
Rightist- Cancer rules 4th house, Venus parallel North Node

Cultural liberal.


Libertarian- Pallas semi sextile Mercury, ruler of Pallas Venus semi square Sun and sextile Mercury
Authoritarian- Pallas quincunx Jupiter and square Pluto, Venus opposite Pluto


Fiscally and socially to the left, mixed Pallas- Left wing partisan

The left wing indicators are still prevalent.

Stephen Baldwin

This post is on conservative actor Stephen Baldwin.


Leftist- Ruler of Venus Mars opposite Neptune, ruler of 2nd house Saturn in Pisces trine Neptune and South Node
Rightist- Mars in Taurus conjunct North Node, North Node in Taurus

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon square Neptune, ruler of Moon Uranus sextile Neptune, coruler Saturn trine Neptune and South Node, ruler of 4th house Mars opposite Neptune
Rightist- Moon square the Nodes, 4th house cusp at Moon/North Node and Moon/Mars midpoints, Mars conjunct North Node, Uranus parallel 4th house cusp

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Ruler of Pallas Mars conjunct Sun and North Node
Authoritarian- Pallas square Jupiter, Mars trine Pluto


Fiscally to the left, socially to the right, mixed Pallas- Right wing partisan

This describes him well.

Perez Hilton

This post is on Perez Hilton.


Leftist- Venus trine Neptune, ruler of Venus Mars biquintile Neptune, Pisces rules 2nd house, South Node in 2nd house, coruler of 2nd house Jupiter opposite Neptune, Neptune parallel 12th house cusp, Jupiter contraparallel 12th house cusp
Rightist- Neptune and Mars quintile North Node, Venus in 2nd house, North Node parallel 2nd house cusp

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon square Neptune and parallel South Node, ruler of 4th house Venus trine Neptune, ruler of Moon Mercury trine Neptune
Rightist- Nothing

Cultural liberal.


Libertarian- Pallas trine Mercury, ruler of Pallas Jupiter square Sun
Authoritarian- Nothing

Defensive Pallas.

Fiscally and socially to the left, defensive Pallas- Left Libertarian

This describes him well.

False Teachers- The Masks Are Coming Off

This is another informative article from that's worthy of sharing.

False Teachers- The Masks Are Coming Off

By Michelle Walling, CHLC

As we have recently reached critical mass and have affected the false light grid, we will begin to see more and more people for who they really are, or are not. We will see those who have mastered the illusion of regurgitating information vs. those who are able to be centered, grounded, and speak of their own experiences from their heart. You will be surprised to see that the man or woman behind the curtain may be a wounded child as the curtain comes down.

A magician knows how to study, memorize, and practice, and can use mirrors and slight of hand to create an illusion. One who is truly in the power of who they are remembers how to create true magic through the heart, out of the void. If someone is serving in the form of a teacher, then that person should be able to share their own reality and learning experiences rather than to continuously quote and share other people’s experiences. As many of us have our psychic abilities activated more and more, we are beginning to see who is working in integrity and who is copying.
Some of the teachers that many people have been watching and listening to for many years hide behind other people’s truths while doing the complete opposite than what they teach in their own lives. I have heard of so called spiritual teachers who treat others badly and/or are outright alcoholics or drug users. I have heard of others who preach unconditional love and forgiveness while not taking responsibility for their own words and actions. We’ve all seen this type of behavior, with no responsibility or acknowledgement.  The main observation here is that there are no secrets where we are moving to, in 5d.
Deep inside, we all have an urgency to exit from this reality. Many teachers who have not done the work on themselves had a path of “fake it until you make it”. Sometimes it worked out in the end and they became amazing teachers because truly if you set your mind to something with positive affirmations, you can do anything. However what I would like to address here is the true way out of this matrix.
We will never exit the matrix only be obsessively being in service to others. There are no short cuts and there must be a balance. Many times I found myself working more for others by pushing myself to put out more information, only to have a situation arise in my life to slow me down. Eventually I took the hint and realized by trial and error that working on myself is most important, and then sharing the observations and what I had learned would help people more than just working hard by sharing other people’s experiences.
For example, I used to have a weekly radio show where I allowed people to share their experiences and it took a lot of work on my part to create this ongoing platform. The quality of the connection of the show continued to get worse and worse and it caused a lot of anxiety and pressure to be able to go on live with an interview. Eventually I just let the live show and all the work involved go and chose to pre-record when I felt like it. I enjoyed that so much better and the sound was so much better, and it just showed that there was an imbalance of energy. The imbalance was the pressure to go on live even when I wasn’t in the highest integrity. Another imbalance is that it did not pay any of the bills, which is still a part of my 3d reality.
We are not perfect yet. We are still bridging 3d with 5d. To be distracted with overworking yourself in service does no one any good and retards spiritual progress. Also, to be distracted with too much 3d will keep you rooted in 3d. We all will get to 5d at our own pace, but what I have learned is that I will get there much faster by focusing on 5d and focusing on myself first and sharing my own experiences rather than “performing” for others out of spiritual and metaphysical entertainment.
Thinking that you will make the pearly gates to 5d simply because you are working in service is an illusion. The pearly gates are within the heart and only open when zero point is reached. Zero point is achieved through self love and respect, and by standing in your own truth. It involves removing blocks and integrating traumatized shards of our soul that have separated from you, usually form an emotional trauma. When you do the work, you suddenly “get it”, and you can then share that truth.
When you “get it”, your thoughts and actions ooze truth and you become a shining pillar of light. You strive to treat others as if they were you, and you stop playing games. You can no longer be triggered (as much) and if you are triggered, you forgive and strive to keep going, learning each time how to react a different way. Sometimes you remove yourself from those who are not willing to work on their own projections. This is how a true teacher walks the walk and talks the talk. You have no need to fake it.
There is no judgment in watching a mask fall off of another human being. It’s a beautiful thing. Many will become vulnerable and will need support if they so choose to ask for help. Some will crawl deep into a hole to never be heard from again, out of embarrassment and with the unwillingness to grow their inner light and forgive themselves.
Just remember that we all came from the higher dimensions and we will all see each other again there, but the energy on the planet will no longer support hiding who you are. Trying to create magic from illusion will no longer work because everyone will know the trick. It’s best to focus within on the real magic of alchemy, geometry, and vibration, and to watch the world around you change. Honesty is key and lies will no longer be supported or tolerated. Some people cannot see that they are lying to themselves.
Another topic to mention is copyrights and trademarks in the spiritual and metaphysical communities. Nothing can be owned and everything that is thought comes from somewhere that is tied into everything. We are all one cosmic mind and are connected. We receive ideas and thoughts from our higher mind as it is downloaded into our brains. Twenty people can receive the same idea at the same time. Anyone who claims ownership over a name or method is only doing so to protect monetary rights, but eventually that will be seen for what it is as well. All helpful information should be shared, not stifled and marked. There are creative ways to be able to receive monetary support for your work.
You cannot enter the 5d pearly gates without mastering 3d. Mastering 3d means to be in a stillness within your heart, and that ironically means spending time with yourself and facing all that is not in alignment with love. It’s about being truthful with yourself and making a commitment to change what needs to be changed. It’s the most difficult task we can do, and just when we think that we are there, we see that we still have a lot of work to do. Anyone who thinks that they have done all of their work is fooling themselves, and we always continue to do the work until we merge again with Source.
Many teachers hide behind a curtain because if they were to really be seen for who they are, they would lose their power of influence and popularity. If you see one of these people, know that they are simply wounded children and don’t know any better. It’s also just easier to play a role than it is to BE that. If you have fallen into a trap of one of these people who just wants popularity and money, forgive yourself and learn what you do not want to align with.
As far as those who charge for their expertise, truth, experience, and healing services, there is nothing wrong with charging for services that are in alignment with a truthful energetic exchange as long as we are in a reality where we need money to survive. One day this will all fall away and we will only do what makes us happy. If you are “serving” incessantly, stop and think, “would I be doing this or working this hard if there was no such thing as money”? When the energy of desperation or greed is taken away, more people will be attracted to you than ever before. Beware of people who obsessively push their services and charge an enormous amount of money. Common sense says that to be in alignment in this economic crunch, we need to be able to offer affordable services but we also need to make enough money to survive. It’s that simple. Working incessantly for money is not going to create the shift into the reality where there is no money. Working when you are in alignment and for the right reasons- compassion and love will allow you to get what you need and to open your heart space even more through service. Time then stretches and allows you to get a tremendous amount of work done in a short period of time.
As crazy at is sounds, the way we remember who we really are is to observe who and what we do not want to be. A balance is required on how you take other peoples’ truth and meld it with your own, and learn form your observations of  how that melding worked for you. All the answers are within, but you are also projecting outside in your reality so that you can be able to recognize it. Become who you really are, not what you think others want you to be, and you will draw just the right people into your reality that will support your personal timeline shift as well as contribute to the collective. Becoming a true 5d magician vs. a 3d wanna-be is a goal that each one of us probably has at this time.
If you follow this template, you will never fall for another teacher who seems to know what they are talking about, and you will not become that teacher as well. You will also never feel the need to hide or to be introverted, and instead you will want to share your journey with others out of love and compassion for those who are about to walk the same path that you have. You will also never need to lie to yourself or to another ever again, nor will you need to feel like you need to make yourself seem better than someone else. You realize that we are all connected and all came form the same Source, but choose individualization based on integrity and love until we decide to return to that Source as one. We are all in this together, and we are all trying to remember who we REALLY are.
About the author
Michelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer for In5d.comand Michelle is the webmaster,, and, and is the co-creator Michelle is the host of the Cosmic Awakening ShowHer personal Facebook page can be found here.
Full article here:

There are false teachers everywhere, especially in the Religious Right (the prosperity gospel and anyone who claims to predict the "Rapture" or receive prophecies from God, even though the charts of these evangelists all show right wing ideology), and in the New Age movement, which is designed to take awakening souls on the wrong track (do you really think not taking action will make all the problems go away?). In the current Neptune in Pisces transit, we need to be more aware of these false teachers/prophets than ever.