Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Political Ideology In Astrology

This blog was started in December 2016 for the purpose of exposing the political and ethical natures of our elected officials, as well as putting an end to the political divide in this country, by revealing the fact that your political viewpoints are prevalent in your natal chart. The formula used in this blog is originated by Alan Lin, but expanded upon to include celebrities, athletes, local politicians, and people that I know, and using my knowledge of rising sign appearances, in order to make this formula airtight. The fact that your political viewpoints are nothing more than astrological impulses is why it's generally impossible to get someone to switch sides, unless an astrological transit occurs that allows it to happen, in which case the final ideology is prevalent in the chart (Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and Tulsi Gabbard are prime examples, where the left wing indicators are more prevalent over the right wing indicators in their charts, despite them all having conservative pasts).

The Left

Economic leftism is indicated in the natal chart with Venus, the 2nd house, and/or their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, the 12th house, and the sign of Pisces. Cultural or social leftism is indicated in the natal chart with the Moon, the 4th house, and/or their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, the 12th house, and the sign of Pisces. In my examples, nearly everybody who's a Democrat has left wing economic indicators, while most also have left wing cultural indicators. The ones who don't are almost unanimously Latino Catholics, though this isn't a guarantee of cultural conservatism. These Latino Catholics share along with the socially liberal Democrats support for higher taxes on the wealthy, a strong safety net for the poor, a socialized public school system, a strong support for universal health care, among other things.

The Right

Economic conservatism is indicated in the natal chart with Venus, the 2nd house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node, the 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus. Cultural or social conservatism is indicated in the natal chart with the Moon, the 4th house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node, the 4th house, and the sign of Cancer. Unlike the left, where right wing economic indicators are almost nonexistent, it is very common for people on the right to have left wing economic indicators dominant in their chart. However, this doesn't exactly mean they support a strong safety net for the poor or higher taxes for the wealthy, as support for tariffs and excessive military spending, as well as fascism (the dissolution, Neptune, of wealth from the poor to the rich. Trump, Putin, Paul Ryan, Dick Cheney, Reagan, and the Bush politicians all have strong left wing economic indicators), can show up as left wing economics, as those systems go against a free market. Right wing cultural indicators are prevalent in most people on the right, as this can play out in many ways, most notably being anti abortion and same sex marriage, but also strong support for prayer in public schools, being pro military, strong immigration stances, anti environmental regulations, and a strong pro gun stance. Republican politicians often have a strong left wing pattern all around, especially in the southern states, as these people act as conservatives in order to get elected in red states. Lindsey Graham is the most notable of these people.


With the cultural conservatives analyzed in this blog tending to be very religious, this hints at people's religion also being fated, just like people's political viewpoints and careers, and I agree, which gives us even less reason to be divided, as everybody is living their path.


I have noticed that in Facebook photos, cultural conservatives have lots of family photos, which is in connection to the Republican party being the party of family values, whereas cultural liberals tend to have lots of photos of them traveling, which is in connection to being open minded to other cultures.


It is no coincidence that the "blue" states are adjacent to bodies of water (Pacific Coast, Hawaii, Great Lakes, Northeast) and that the "red" states are in more rural areas (the south, Midwest, Alaska). This plays out in astrology, as Neptune, the main significator of the left, rules a water sign, while the sign of Taurus is an Earth sign and the sign of Cancer, while being a water sign, is about the country as well as family values. This is why the blue states are known for their diversity and large safety nets, and the red states are known for their gun culture and religious values, as the south is known for Evangelical Christianity and the Midwest states, mainly Utah, are known for Mormonism.

Parental Influence

It is a common notion that people tend to develop their political ideologies from their parents; however, in the examples I have of people who are the same political party as their parents, they share the same exact astrological pattern as their parents.


The asteroid Pallas is the main indicator of a person's ethical nature. Pallas and its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and the North Node indicates a strong ethical nature, whereas Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node, as well as hard aspects to Jupiter, indicate a weak ethical nature. It is no coincidence that the majority of our elected officials have the latter, known as "aggressive Pallas". Aggressive Pallas aspects have a connection to corruption, racism, extremism, and intolerance. The sooner we know about this, the sooner we can elect people who have a strong ethical compass and aren't in it solely for money and/or power.

Rising Sign Appearances

Aries Rising- Large head, eyebrows that arch like a ram's horns
Taurus Rising- Very sensual look, thick neck, eyebrows that arch like a bull's horns
Gemini Rising- Narrow face with a playful and curious look in the eyes
Cancer Rising- Round, puffy face with eyebrows that arch like a crescent Moon, very innocent look in the eyes
Leo Rising- Hair that stands out, very confident look
Virgo Rising- Narrow "V" shaped face, most ordinary rising sign appearance
Libra Rising- Round face with very balanced facial features, smile that stands out
Scorpio Rising- Intense, penetrating eyes, eyebrows that arch like Devil's horns
Sagittarius Rising- Narrow face with eyebrows that arch diagonally, energetic look
Capricorn Rising- Bony face with a prominent nose that hooks, giving these natives a goat-like appearance
Aquarius Rising- Square face with a very aloof or electric look in the eyes
Pisces Rising- Narrow face with a dreamy look in the eyes

Always look for possible aspects to the ascendant, especially conjunctions, when determining the person's rising sign, as I never, or very seldom, took them into consideration until recently. Also make sure the sign you suspect is the rising sign isn't the Sun sign or Moon sign as these signs also have a major influence on a person's appearance.

So What Does This Mean?

This means, basically, that there is no right or wrong political ideology, as it is proven that political ideologies are astrological complexes, and that everybody is basically living their path, which is why it doesn't make sense why the country is so divided between the left and the right. The ruling elite want the two sides to be at each other's throats, while they continue to conquer. Divide and conquer. There are way more of us than there are if them, yet we continue to fall into the trap. The knowledge in this blog is an attempt to put an end to the division, and get both sides to unite against the elite who don't care about anybody but themselves.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

VOTA AZUL en 2020 para salvar la democracia

Esta es mi primera publicación (soy una persona muy privada), pero es MUY importante.

Desde el 20 de enero de 2017, he visto el país en el que nací desmoronarse. El racismo ha hecho un "regreso" (exponiendo a estas personas como cobardes absolutos). Los niños inmigrantes están detenidos en jaulas. La codicia y el odio se están normalizando. Y lo más importante es que nuestra democracia está en peligro DIRE. Con la evidencia del Informe Mueller de que Rusia realmente interfirió en nuestras elecciones, las condenas de Papadopoulos, Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Cohen y Stone, la negativa de Mitch McConnell a presentar una legislación a votación y permitir testigos para un ENCARGO. PRUEBA, la evidencia contra Trump aumenta casi por semana, incluso para las personas que trabajan para Trump como Mick Mulvaney ADMITANDO que hay un acuerdo "quid pro quo", está claro que Donald Trump y el Partido Republicano están en la cama con Putin y los rusos y solo se preocupan por el dinero y el poder por encima de cualquier otra cosa. Ni el país, ni las personas que los votaron, NADA más.

Lo que es aún más alucinante es que tantos supuestos "cristianos" siguen y apoyan a Trump y al Partido Republicano. De hecho, Trump es el representante perfecto de TODOS los siete pecados capitales: lujuria, gula, avaricia, pereza, ira, envidia y orgullo. Los siete pecados capitales también son todo contra lo que Jesucristo estaba en contra, por lo que esencialmente Trump es un anticristo. Tal vez incluso EL Anticristo. La mayoría de los cristianos evangélicos apoyan a Trump y sus políticas, todas las cuales también son anticristo, y la Biblia misma incluso dice que la mayoría de los cristianos seguirán al anticristo. En tres largos años, Trump trató de quitarle la atención médica a las personas, firmó el mayor recorte de impuestos para los ricos de la historia, permitió que los niños inmigrantes fueran rehenes en jaulas lejos de sus padres, realizó ataques masivos contra los principales medios de comunicación, cerró derribó al gobierno durante un mes por dinero para el muro fronterizo, ordenó a la gente ignorar las citaciones (violar la ley), obstruyó la justicia varias veces (despidió a Comey y McCabe, contrató a Whittaker y Barr después de las elecciones parciales), etc. TODAS las políticas anticristo. E incluso si Trump por alguna razón ES inocente, su estado mental solo lo hace incapaz de ser Comandante en Jefe. En los últimos tres años, ha declarado que los molinos de viento causan cáncer, que está mal que los bebés nazcan en el noveno mes, dijo que las personas necesitan tirar de sus inodoros de 10 a 15 veces (lo que desperdicia agua, y salimos) de una LARGA sequía aquí en California, donde hubo inviernos secos consecutivos de 2011-2012 a 2015-2016, junto con 2017-2018, seguido de algunos de los veranos más calurosos en la HISTORIA del estado de 2012-2018, que es la receta perfecta para devastadoras temporadas de incendios como 2018), le hizo una foto en el cuerpo de Rocky y tuiteó un GIF de él golpeando un logotipo de CNN. Todo eso es una locura. ¡Nuestro líder y comandante en jefe está actuando como un bebé gigante! ¿Obama, Bush o Clinton hicieron algo tan inmaduro? No. ¿Hillary habría hecho algo así? No. Además, el propio hijo de Trump incluso sugirió en Acción de Gracias que los conservadores deberían "provocar" a los miembros liberales de la familia en la mesa. El trabajo del presidente es UNIR al país, NO dividirlo. Y Trump también ha hecho múltiples menciones de postularse para un tercer mandato y ser "presidente de por vida", y Mike Huckabee incluso hizo el comentario de que Trump es elegible para un tercer mandato debido a las audiencias de juicio político (aunque eso no puede suceder). ¡Trump está ignorando la Constitución ante nuestros propios ojos! Si eso no te molesta, solo te importa que el Partido Republicano esté en el poder y no la Constitución, la libertad de expresión o los Estados Unidos en general, especialmente si apoyaste que Clinton fuera acusado por su vida sexual (no por defender sus acciones). , pero no tenía relación con su trabajo real, que era ser presidente). Mitch McConnell y Lindsey Graham, las voces más fuertes en contra de acusar a Trump, apoyaron la destitución de Clinton de su cargo, por lo que, por esa lógica, ser sexualmente inmoral es más grave que traición para ellos.

¿Qué debemos hacer al respecto en noviembre de 2020? Sencillo.


Ni siquiera importa quién es el que está en contra de Trump (o quién es el republicano que se postula), vote por el demócrata. Esto incluso se aplica a las elecciones para el Senado, la Cámara de Representantes, las elecciones para gobernador, las elecciones para el Senado estatal y la Legislatura estatal, etc. TODO lo que sea partidista (es decir, cada elección que no sea para alcalde y el consejo municipal) es importante. Hay mucho en juego para votar por un independiente o escribir a alguien, votar por el candidato demócrata que está en la boleta electoral, independientemente de si es un moderado como Biden o un populista económico como Warren, Bernie o Yang. Incluso si Ren y Stimpy, Bob Esponja y Patrick, Beavis y Butthead, Shaggy y Scooby, Fred y Barney, Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, Al Bundy, Waldo Faldo, Inspector Gadget, Johnny Bravo, etc., fueran los que estaban en el boleto del partido demócrata Yo votaría por ellos. La amenaza es REAL y el hecho de que Vladimir Putin, un DICTADOR fascista, esté interfiriendo en nuestras elecciones y el Partido Republicano no esté haciendo NADA al respecto, da miedo. ¿Valora su reducción de impuestos más que el derecho de sus hijos a la libertad de expresión? ¿Es más importante estar en contra del aborto y el matrimonio homosexual que que sus hijos vayan a la escuela de manera segura? ¿Son sus armas más importantes que sus hijos tener aire limpio para respirar y agua limpia para beber? Nuestros niños heredarán una dictadura fascista donde los ricos estarán por encima de la ley si no dejamos de lado nuestras diferencias y salvamos nuestra democracia. Ser un verdadero cristiano se trata de ser más que estar en contra del aborto o en contra de los derechos de los homosexuales (cosas de las que Jesús nunca habló) e ir a la iglesia (¡ir a la iglesia NO te hace un mejor cristiano!), Pero se trata de tener compasión por todos, tratando a los demás como quieres que te traten, y cuidando nuestro planeta (que Dios creó, así que de alguna manera estamos destruyendo una de las creaciones de Dios, e irónicamente son los demócratas "anticristo" quienes están luchando contra esto mientras los "cristianos" "Los republicanos están terminando con gusto las regulaciones ambientales por dinero y poder". Estar en contra de las donaciones del gobierno a los pobres, pero no tener ningún problema con la guerra del gobierno, la destrucción del planeta, la colocación de niños inmigrantes en jaulas y la reducción de impuestos para los ricos que nunca dan resultado (los últimos dos presidentes demócratas mejoraron las economías que sus predecesores). destruido, y Jerry Brown mejoró la economía que Arnold destruyó) es una blasfemia, especialmente cuando esta "fiesta cristiana" es la que está haciendo todo esto. Acéptelo, está siendo USADO para su voto y no dudaría de que se están riendo a sus espaldas sobre cómo lo están haciendo votar en contra de las enseñanzas de Cristo.

Creo firmemente que Dios es psíquico (si Dios no lo fuera, ¿entonces NO sería perfecto, ya que no sería capaz de ver el futuro?), Pero también he estado entreteniendo la idea de Trump ser elegido presidente como prueba para los cristianos conservadores, para ver si elegirán el conservadurismo sobre las enseñanzas de Cristo, ya que Trump es todo lo contrario de TODAS las enseñanzas de Cristo. La Biblia dice que no se puede adorar a Dios y al dinero al mismo tiempo, pero seguir a Trump está haciendo exactamente eso, ya que Trump es el epítome de los siete pecados capitales. Cuando piensas en Trump, los siete pecados mortales son lo que INMEDIATAMENTE te viene a la mente, no CUALQUIER COSA asociada con Cristo.

Esto solo tenía que decirse, ya que realmente temo por el futuro del país en el que nací y crecí si no cambiamos toda nuestra actitud hacia la política y comenzamos a valorar más que solo recortes de impuestos y armas. La elección de 2020 NO se trata de la izquierda frente a la derecha, sino de la LIBERTAD frente al FASCISMO. ¿No queremos que la próxima generación, NUESTROS HIJOS, disfrute de la democracia, en lugar de venderla río abajo en aras de recortes de impuestos, armas y "nacionalismo" (si Putin y Rusia, así como otros regímenes totalitarios como Arabia Saudita, China y Corea del Norte, participar en nuestras elecciones no te asusta, entonces, ¿NO eres patriótico y solo te importa que tu partido de preferencia esté en el poder por encima de todo lo demás? Country over party. El Partido Republicano necesita recibir ese mensaje alto y claro. Independientemente de si eres liberal o conservador o blanco o de color, TODOS tenemos el mismo color de sangre y TODOS somos ciudadanos estadounidenses. Las fuerzas oscuras QUIEREN dividirnos en base a cosas tontas como el color de nuestra piel, y es bastante triste. Todos somos mejores que eso, especialmente porque la edad legal para votar es de 18 años, que es el comienzo oficial de la edad adulta.

Si esto te mueve de alguna manera, ¡POR FAVOR comparte esta publicación, ya que es MUY importante correr la voz! Si alguien que cree que necesita ver este mensaje no tiene Facebook, le recomiendo que lo comparta con ellos, ya que nuestra democracia está en juego en 2020. Vote por el candidato que esté en la boleta del partido demócrata, independientemente de si es Biden , Warren, Yang, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, Bernie, etc. Si una persona no está registrada para votar y es elegible, ¡asegúrese de que se registre! No podemos permitirnos discriminar en cosas como "ser demasiado moderado", "ser demasiado liberal", "ser demasiado viejo", etc., ya que nuestra democracia está en grave peligro mientras Trump y el Partido Republicano estén en el poder (es muy obvio que todo el gabinete de Trump también está involucrado, junto con Pence, McConnell, Graham, Nunes, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, etc.). Los problemas vendrán más tarde, ya que nuestra democracia es MUCHO más importante en este momento. Al apoyar a Trump y al Partido Republicano, no solo está apoyando el fascismo y los siete pecados capitales, también está apoyando numerosos otros pecados como asesinato, racismo, sexismo, corrupción, traición, soborno, intimidación, secuestro, robo, adulterio, la lista sigue y sigue y sigue. Ningún buen cristiano puede defender justificadamente este régimen malvado. Todos somos mejores que eso. Mucho mejor.

Lo que debemos hacer para garantizar que esta situación nunca vuelva a suceder:

Saca el dinero de la política. Las elecciones se ganarán en base a ideas, no al respaldo de grandes corporaciones. Cualquiera que soborne a un funcionario electo pierde el derecho a votar PERMANENTEMENTE.

Recordemos las elecciones para el presidente, el vicepresidente y el Congreso. Si nuestros funcionarios municipales y estatales están sujetos a elecciones revocatorias, ¿por qué no el gobierno federal?

Patrimonio neto máximo para postularse para el Congreso o presidente: $ 100,000. Necesita haber experimentado dificultades económicas en algún momento de su vida, para comprender a la clase pobre y trabajadora. El hombre del monopolio como presidente es un fracaso comprobado, entonces, ¿por qué seguir repitiéndolo?

El salario aumenta para el presidente, el vicepresidente y el congreso. El presidente tendrá un aumento salarial de $ 400,000 a $ 10 millones al año, mientras que está exento de impuestos. El vicepresidente recibirá $ 5 millones al año, exento de impuestos. Todos los miembros del Congreso recibirán $ 1 millón al año, exento de impuestos. Esto es para combatir la corrupción y el soborno.

Los funcionarios electos, cuando dejan el cargo, tienen estrictamente prohibido aceptar trabajos como cabilderos. El castigo sería de 10 años de prisión sin posibilidad de libertad condicional. ESTO NO SERÁ TOLERADO.

Si el presidente ha mantenido una calificación de aprobación positiva durante su mandato (lo que significa que no hay una calificación inferior al 50% en ningún momento), es elegible para un tercer mandato opcional. No más de tres. El presidente NECESITA un incentivo para tener una buena calificación de aprobación en todo momento.

Los senadores estarán sujetos a tres períodos de seis años y los representantes seis períodos de dos años. No más. No más políticos de carrera.

Pruebas aleatorias del detector de mentiras para el presidente, el vicepresidente y los miembros del Congreso. Necesitan rendir cuentas y NO están por encima de la ley. La transparencia es buena, la corrupción es mala.

Los presidentes jubilados recibirán una pensión de $ 5 millones por año, los vicepresidentes una pensión de $ 3 millones por año. Los miembros del Congreso reciben una pensión de $ 1 millón por año. Todos los planes de pensiones están exentos de impuestos. Si prestas un buen servicio y escuchas a la gente, serás atendido de por vida. Si está involucrado en la corrupción o acepta un trabajo de cabildeo, pierde permanentemente su pensión. Esto es para recompensar el buen servicio y combatir la corrupción y tomar trabajos de cabildeo.

La edad para votar se reducirá a 16 años. Si tienes la edad suficiente para trabajar, también tienes edad para votar.

Cada persona estará sujeta a un Ingreso Básico Universal de $ 5,000 por mes. Se financiará eliminando todos los programas de redes de seguridad y fusionándolos en un programa universal diseñado para dar a todos libertad económica pura, eliminar la pobreza y actuar como respuesta a la automatización.

Atención universal de salud para todos. Nuestras escuelas públicas son gratuitas, pero nuestra atención médica no lo es. Cuando lo piensas, sacar provecho de las enfermedades de las personas es realmente un desastre. Esto será financiado por:

Aumento progresivo de impuestos a los ricos. La tasa aumenta cuanto más gana, con una tasa superior del 70%. Si ganara $ 1 mil millones en un año, TODAVÍA tendría $ 300 millones, sin contar el reembolso. ¡Eso es más dinero del que yo sabría qué hacer! Recuerde, la avaricia es uno de los siete pecados capitales ...

Además de la legalización de TODAS las drogas, con un gran impuesto, por supuesto. Sin embargo, conducir bajo la influencia de estas drogas aún sería un delito grave, ya que eso pone en peligro la vida de alguien. Sin embargo, el uso de estas drogas se consideraría una elección personal y también reduciría el crimen de pandillas porque la venta de estos narcóticos sería legal. Las personas se drogan, los vecindarios serían más seguros porque estas drogas serían legales (la mayoría de los crímenes de pandillas se deben a las drogas), y como resultado el país ganaría una menta en el impuesto a las ventas. (mucha evidencia aquí de por qué Trump es el Anticristo)

Esto necesita hacerse viral. País sobre fiesta, amor sobre odio, generosidad sobre avaricia, tolerancia sobre intolerancia y bien sobre mal en general, todo el día, todos los días. ¿Quieres estar en el lado correcto de la historia en el futuro, o quieres estar en el lado equivocado? La opción es tuya, así que elige sabiamente. Piénselo, si Trump fuera REALMENTE inocente, ¿habría alguna razón para que obstruyera tanto la justicia, ya que no tendría nada que ocultar?

¡Libertad sobre la ideología! NADIE está por encima de la ley aquí en los Estados Unidos, como se establece en la Constitución. Estados Unidos es un país para la GENTE, NO para los oligarcas.

VOTE BLUE in 2020 to save Democracy

Ever since January 20, 2017, I have seen the country that I was born in fall apart at the seams. Racism has made a "comeback" (exposing these people as absolute cowards). Immigrant children are being held in cages. Greed and hate are becoming normalized. And the most important thing is that our democracy is in DIRE jeopardy. With the evidence from the Mueller Report that Russia did indeed interfere in our elections, the convictions of Papadopoulos, Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Cohen, and Stone, the refusal of Mitch McConnell to bring legislation up for a vote and allow witnesses for an IMPEACHMENT TRIAL, the evidence against Trump increasing by the week almost, to even people who work for Trump like Mick Mulvaney ADMITTING there is a "quid pro quo" deal, it's clear that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are in bed with Putin and the Russians and only care about money and power above anything else. Not the country, not the people that voted them in, NOTHING else.

What is even more mind-boggling is that so many supposed "Christians" follow and support Trump and the GOP. In fact, Trump is the perfect representative of ALL of the seven deadly sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. The seven deadly sins are also everything Jesus Christ was against, so essentially Trump is an Antichrist. Maybe even THE Antichrist. Most Evangelical Christians support Trump and his policies, all of which are also Antichrist, and the Bible itself even says that most Christians will follow the Antichrist. In three long years, Trump has tried to take away people's health care, signed the biggest tax cut for the wealthy in history, allowed immigrant children to be held hostage in cages away from their parents, has made massive attacks on the mainstream media, shut down the government for a month over money for the border wall, ordered people to ignore subpoenas (breaking the law), obstructed justice multiple times (firing Comey and McCabe, hiring Whittaker and Barr after the midterms), etc. ALL Antichrist policies. And even if Trump for some reason IS innocent, his mental state alone makes him unfit to be Commander in Chief. In the last three years, he has stated that windmills cause cancer, that it is wrong for babies to be born in the ninth month, said that people need to flush their toilets 10-15 times (which wastes water, and we just came out of a LONG drought here in California where there were consecutive dry winters from 2011-2012 to 2015-2016, along with 2017-2018, followed by some of the hottest summers in the state's HISTORY from 2012-2018, which is the perfect recipe for devastating fire seasons like 2018), photoshopped his head on Rocky's body, and tweeted a GIF of him beating up a CNN logo! All of that is INSANE. Our leader and Commander in Chief is acting like an overgrown baby! Did Obama, Bush, or Clinton do anything that immature? No. Would Hillary have done anything like that? No. Also, Trump's own son even suggested on Thanksgiving that conservatives should "trigger" liberal family members at the dinner table. The president's job is to UNITE the country, NOT divide it. And Trump has also made multiple mentions of running for a third term and being "president for life", and Mike Huckabee even made the remark of Trump being eligible for a third term because of the impeachment hearings (even though that cannot happen). Trump is disregarding the Constitution before our very eyes! If that doesn't bother you, you only care about the GOP being in power and not the Constitution, freedom of speech, or the United States in general, especially if you supported Clinton being impeached because of his sex life (not defending his actions, but it had no bearing on his actual job, which was being president). Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, the loudest voices against impeaching Trump, supported removing Clinton from office, so by that logic being sexually immoral is more serious than treason to them.

What should we do about this in November 2020? Simple.


It doesn't even matter who it is that is against Trump (or who the Republican is that is running), vote for the Democrat. This even applies to elections for the Senate, the House, Gubernatorial elections, elections for the State Senate and State Legislature, etc. EVERYTHING that is partisan (meaning every election that is not for mayor and the city council) is important. The stakes are WAY too high to vote for an independent or write someone in, vote for the Democratic candidate that is on the ballot, regardless if it's a moderate like Biden or an economic populist like Warren, Bernie, or Yang. Even if Ren and Stimpy, Spongebob and Patrick, Beavis and Butthead, Shaggy and Scooby, Fred and Barney, Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, Al Bundy, Waldo Faldo, Inspector Gadget, Johnny Bravo, etc. were the ones on the Democratic party ticket, I would vote for them. The threat is REAL and the fact that Vladimir Putin, a fascist DICTATOR, is interfering in our elections and the GOP is doing NOTHING about it is scary. Do you value your tax cut more than your children's right to freedom of speech? Is being against abortion and gay marriage more important than your children going to school safely? Are your guns more important than your children having clean air to breathe and clean water to drink? Our children will INHERIT a fascist dictatorship where the wealthy will be above the law if we don't put our differences aside and save our democracy. Being a true Christian is about being more than being anti abortion or against gay rights (things Jesus never once spoke about) and going to church (going to church does NOT make you a better Christian!), but it's about having compassion for all, treating others how you want to be treated, and taking care of our planet (which God created, so in a way we're destroying one of God's creations, and ironically enough it's the "Antichrist" Democrats who are fighting this while the "Christian" Republicans are gladly ending environmental regulations for the sake of money and power). Being against government handouts to the poor, yet having no problem with the government warmongering, destroying the planet, putting immigrant children in cages, and giving tax cuts for the wealthy which never pay off (the last two Democratic presidents improved the economies that their predecessors destroyed, and Jerry Brown improved the economy that Arnold destroyed) is blasphemy, especially when this "Christian party" is the one doing all this stuff. Face it, you are being USED for your vote and I wouldn't doubt that they're laughing behind their back about how they're getting you to vote against Christ's teachings.

I have a strong belief that God is psychic (if God wasn't, then wouldn't he NOT be perfect, as he wouldn't be able to see the future?), but I've also been entertaining the thought of Trump being elected president as a test for conservative Christians, to see if they'll choose conservatism over Christ's teachings, as Trump is the complete opposite of ALL of Christ's teachings. The Bible says you cannot worship God and money at the same time, yet following Trump is doing just that, as Trump is the epitome of all of the seven deadly sins. When you think of Trump, the seven deadly sins are what IMMEDIATELY come to mind, not ANYTHING associated with Christ.

This just needed to be said, as I truly fear for the future of the country I was born and raised in if we don't change our whole attitude towards politics and start valuing more than just tax cuts and guns. The 2020 election is NOT about the left vs. the right, but about FREEDOM vs. FASCISM. Don't we want the next generation, OUR CHILDREN, to enjoy democracy, rather than selling it down the river for the sake of tax cuts, guns, and "nationalism" (if Putin and Russia, as well as other totalitarian regimes such as Saudi Arabia, China, and North Korea, being involved in our elections doesn't scare you, than you AREN'T patriotic and only care about your party of preference being in power above all else)? Country over party. The GOP NEEDS to get that message loud and clear. Regardless if you're liberal or conservative or white or colored, we ALL have the same color of blood and we're ALL US citizens. The dark forces WANT us to be divided based on silly stuff like the color of our skin, and it's quite sad. We're all better than that, especially since the legal voting age is 18 years old, which is the official start of adulthood.

If this moves you in any way, PLEASE share this post, as it is VERY important to get the word out! If anybody who you feel needs to see this message doesn't have Facebook, I highly recommend that you share it with them, as our democracy is at stake in 2020. Vote for whichever candidate is on the Democratic party ticket, regardless if it's Biden, Warren, Yang, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, Bernie, etc. If a person is not registered to vote and is eligible, make sure they get registered! We cannot afford to discriminate on things like "being too moderate", "being too liberal", "being too old", etc., as our democracy is in serious danger as long as Trump and the GOP are in power (it's very obvious that Trump's whole cabinet is involved as well, along with Pence, McConnell, Graham, Nunes, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, etc.). Issues will come later, as our democracy is WAY more important at this point. By supporting Trump and the GOP, you are not only supporting fascism and the seven deadly sins, you are also supporting numerous other sins such as murder, racism, sexism, corruption, treason, bribery, bullying, kidnapping, robbery, adultery, the list goes on and on and on. No good Christian can justifiably defend this evil regime. We're all better than that. MUCH better.

What we need to do to ensure this situation never happens again:

Take the money out of politics. Elections will be won based on ideas, not the backing of big corporations. Anybody who bribes an elected official loses the right to vote PERMANENTLY.

Recall elections for the president, vice president, and Congress. If our city and state officials are subject to recall elections, why not the federal government?

Maximum net worth in order to run for Congress or president: $100,000. You need to have experienced economic hardship at one point in your life, in order to understand the poor and working class. The Monopoly man as president is a proven failure, so why keep repeating it?

Salary increases for President, vice president, and Congress. The president will have a salary increase from $400,000 to $10 million a year, while being tax exempt. The vice president will receive $5 million a year, tax exempt. All Congress members will receive $1 million a year, tax exempt. This is to combat corruption and bribery.

Elected officials, when leaving office, are strictly forbidden from accepting jobs as lobbyists. Punishment would be 10 years in prison without the possibility of parole. THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

If the president has maintained a positive approval rating throughout their term (meaning no rating below 50% at any point), they are eligible for an optional third term. No more than three. The president NEEDS an incentive to have a good approval rating throughout.

Senators will be subject to three six year terms and Representatives six two year terms. No more. No more career politicians.

Random lie detector tests for the president, vice president, and Congress members. They need to be held accountable and are NOT above the law. Transparency is good, corruption is bad.

Retired presidents will receive a $5 million per year pension, vice presidents a $3 million per year pension. Congress members a $1 million per year pension. All pension plans are tax exempt. You give good service and listen to the people, you will be taken care of for life. If involved in corruption or accepting a lobbyist job, you permanently lose your pension. This is to reward good service and combat corruption and taking lobbyist jobs.

Voting age will be lowered to 16 years of age. If you're old enough to work, you're old enough to vote too.

Every person will be subject to a Universal Basic Income of $5,000 a month. It will be funded by eliminating all safety net programs and merging them into one universal program designed to give everyone pure economic freedom, eliminate poverty, and act as a response to automation.

Universal health care for all. Our public schools are free, but our health care isn't? When you think about it, profiting off of people's illnesses is really messed up. This will be funded by:

Progressive tax increase on the wealthy. The rate goes up the more you make, with the top rate being 70%. If you made $1 billion in a year, you STILL would have $300 million, not even counting the refund. That is more money than I would know what to do with! Remember, greed is one of the seven deadly sins...

As well as the legalization of ALL drugs, with a huge tax of course. Driving under the influence of these drugs would still be a felony though, as that is putting someone's life in danger. The use of these drugs, however, would be considered a personal choice, and it would also reduce gang crime because the sale of these narcotics would be legal. People get their high, neighborhoods would be safer because these drugs would be legal (most gang crime is because of drugs), and the country would make a mint in sales tax as a result. (plenty of evidence here as to why Trump is the Antichrist)

This needs to go VIRAL. Country over party, love over hate, generosity over greed, tolerance over bigotry, and good over evil in general, all day, every day. Do you want to be on the right side of history in the future, or do you want to be on the wrong side? The choice is yours, so choose wisely. Think about it, if Trump was REALLY innocent, would there be a reason for him to obstruct justice so much, as he would then have nothing to hide?

Freedom over ideology! NOBODY is above the law here in the United States, as stated in the Constitution. The United States is a country for the PEOPLE, NOT the oligarchs.

Friday, February 15, 2019

The GOP- The Sears Of Politics

It is no secret that the Republican Party, also known as the GOP, has been in a state of decline. While many would pinpoint Trump's "presidency" as the start of the decline, it has actually been in decline for a much longer period, and Trump's "election" is actually the party's last ditch effort to stay in power. What is the REAL reason for the decline of the GOP?

They never evolved.

Ever since the 1980s and Reagan's presidency, the GOP has been associated with these things: Trickle down economics, nationalism, patriotism, conservative social policies, and relaxed gun laws. Their main competitor, the Democratic Party, however, has continuously made efforts to evolve with the times. Examples include promotion of LGBT rights, including marriage, stricter gun laws as a result of increased mass shootings, the acceptance of multiculturalism as a result of more immigration into the country, the push for the elimination of big money from politics, the push for even more extreme progressive taxation, as shown by Ocasio-Cortez's tax plan, the push for universal health care and tuition, the fight against climate change, and even a universal basic income, as it is the main focus of Andrew Yang's presidential platform (and a smart move as automation is pretty much inevitable)! Most of these issues were not factors at all in the 80s and 90s, yet they are MAJOR issues today, and the Democratic Party, like any smart company, is addressing them rather than sweeping them under the rug. It is a common saying that if you aren't innovating, changing, and evolving with the times, you'll eventually stagnate, decline, and eventually die. This is evident today when you take note of the actions of the GOP.

But how is the party dying? The Trump supporters are as loud as ever?

That is the point. Out of fear of their beliefs becoming less relevant, and thus losing power, the Republicans have gotten louder and more authoritarian than ever, in a last ditch attempt to keep power at all costs. In the 80s and 90s, which was the Pluto in Scorpio/Neptune in Capricorn era that ran approximately from 1984 to 1995, greed and materialism were seen as good, yet they never evolved during the Pluto in Sagittarius/Neptune in Aquarius era, as the Bush Administration was known for its trickle down economics, just like the Reagan Administration, and now in the Pluto in Capricorn/Neptune in Pisces era, the GOP is facing the consequences of their actions ever since the 80s, as well as their refusal to evolve with the times.

This is playing out a lot similar to what is happening to a major retailer in the 1980s right now.

That's right, Sears.

For many years, through the early 90s, Sears was known as the top retailer in the country. In the mid 90s however, Walmart took their spot, and so did Target. By the late 90s and early 2000s, there was a clear gap between Sears and the other two. However, unlike Walmart and Target, they never evolved outside of two logo changes and being bought by Kmart, which is another company that never evolved (which is easy to see if you've stepped into a Sears or Kmart the last few years, which I have to experience 90s nostalgia trips as one store of each used to be open near me), and for even more similarity, these two videos will show you that the CEO of Sears and Kmart, Eddie Lampert, is basically doing to these companies what Trump is doing to the GOP, as well as this country:

The GOP, just like Sears and Kmart, never evolved, and thus has lost relevance with the younger generations, and those people born from around the 1970s onward (the aforementioned Pluto in Scorpio/Neptune in Capricorn generation from 1984 to 1995, the Pluto in Libra/Neptune in Sagittarius generation from 1971 to 1984, and the Pluto in Sagittarius/Neptune in Aquarius generation from 1998 to 2008) have only experienced the eras of Reagan, the Bushes, and now Trump, who is using the presidency to enrich himself similarly to how Lampert is using Sears and Kmart to enrich himself. And given that many Millennials have LGBT friends and friends of foreign ethnicity, the GOP is alienating these people. I consider myself one of those people. I live in a majority Hispanic neighborhood, where the majority of them also speak Spanish. I even developed friendships with a few of these people, and eventually started learning the language in order to communicate better with them, as well as better connect with the culture. Rather than demanding that they speak English, I accepted them as they were, and am at the point where I not only have a strong knowledge of the vocabulary, noun genders, and grammar rules, I can have a decent conversation in Spanish even! Even outside of Hispanics, there's also an Egyptian American in my building who speaks fluent English and Arabic, and in my high school I was classmates with an Iranian American who speaks fluent English and Farsi, a Czech American who speaks fluent English and Czech, and a Taiwanese American who speaks fluent English and Mandarin. I never once thought of these people as "different", despite having different skin colors and speaking the native tongue of their parents! This goes into another reason for the decline of the GOP:

Pluto in Capricorn.

The GOP's image as the "Christian party" began, once again, around the time of Reagan's presidency, and the "religious right" rapidly gained steam during the time when Neptune was in Capricorn. Neptune in astrology is about illusions, and right now, during Pluto in Capricorn, it's very obvious that the GOP is about ANYTHING other than Christian values. Jesus chased the bankers out of the temple rather than give them tax cuts, he was against the Pharisees, who were the religious extremists of that time, he helped out the sick and needy rather than calling them "leechers" (I know the right wing argument that "it isn't the government's job", but the point is that they are doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Jesus would do), he preached the Golden Rule rather than abiding by oppressive laws, etc. The "Christian party" is known for greed and materialism, racism, homophobia, destroying the planet and colluding with dictators for the sole purpose of money and power, holding people's salaries hostage for a month in order to get what they want, refusing to implement tougher gun laws to protect the nation's children because the NRA is a major donor to GOP politicians, etc. Those seem like the actions of an ANTIChrist, and the Bible even said that most Christians would follow the Antichrist, and the Book of Revelations even has verses mentioning the word "trumpets", which beyond the similarity to "Trump" on the surface, sounds like "Trump Pence" when you say it fast!

So, with the reason for the decline of the GOP explained, how can they rebound from all this? Right now, with the corruption of Trump and the GOP getting exposed with the Mueller Investigation and the Democratic House, I think the ship has sailed on that (another similarity with Sears and Kmart). They should have evolved and changed their image 10 years ago, when Obama got elected, because while the damage was there, it was still easily repairable. They could have beaten the Democrats to the punch on the push for same sex rights, including marriage, as Obama didn't support that in 2008. Yet, they remained stubborn and refused to change, and eventually Obama supported it in 2012, when it was clear the people were in support of it, and eventually it became legalized in 2015. They also should have proposed economic policies, while not as extreme as those of the Democrats, that were still in favor of the middle class rather than the 1%, as the trickle down economic policies of the Bush regime were a major factor in the 2008 recession, as they also refused to cut military spending despite the tax cuts, which resulted in an enormous amount of debt. However, they chose greed and power over evolving with the times, and are now paying the price.

What will the US look like 10-20 years from now? Honestly, I see the country being okay! Maybe not as wealthy or as dominant as it has been since WWII, but with the willingness to evolve of the Democrats and the rise of smaller parties, people will have not exactly what they want, but moreso what they NEED. Ever since the 1980s, too many people have not been getting what they need, because the likes of the Koch Brothers, Mercers, Waltons, and other oligarchs have been getting all of what they want and then some, despite having more than enough to live comfortably for multiple lifetimes! Outside of the Clinton years, the best years for the economy were in the 40s-60s, where the wealthy were taxed in the 80-90% range, which stopped under Reagan. If you make a billion dollars a year and were taxed 90%, you'd STILL keep $100 million, before the refund (and the plenty they already have won't be taxed either). That is still PLENTY to live on, while a ton of money comes in to help fund programs for the people who need them most. As long as we learn our lesson, which is to not be so greedy and be more tolerant of others who are not like us (and we should, as this is Pluto we're talking about here), everything should be okay for the country.

On a separate note, here's a link full of Spanish vocabulary I made, in case anybody reading this article is interested in learning after reading this article:

The English word is right next to the Spanish word, and "el" and "la" determine the noun gender, "el" for masculine and "la" for feminine.

Monday, December 3, 2018

"Free Will" in Astrology- Overrated

There is, and always has been, a lot of talk about "free will" in regards to astrological events. Sure, free will does exist, as we aren't robots; however, that free will comes into play into events that aren't vital to our life paths. For example, the types of foods you eat and when you decide to eat, the clothes you wear, what time you go to bed, what time you get up in the morning, etc.

For events that are to play a critical role in your life or are part of a story, however, it is a different story.

Why? For things like career choices, relationships, and political views, I noticed that you tend to feel a "pull" in a certain direction. Yes, you can try to fight it, but it will prove to be very exhausting and most likely you'll eventually give in. As shown in this blog, astrological indicators for right wing and left wing political ideology are shown in the natal chart, and it is shown to be very reliable with very few exceptions, mainly in the political sphere and Hollywood, where your political views can make or break your career. Hollywood is dominated by the "astrological left", as shown in numerous examples on this blog, and so are the coastal states, the northeast, and the states around the Great Lakes, while much of the midwest and the south are dominated by the "astrological right". Running as a Democrat is almost pointless in many states in the south, and as a result, many politicians present themselves as Republicans, while their voting records are less than conservative. The same is true for running as a Republican in many places in the northeast, though "DINOs" are less common than "RINOs". Why? Neptune, the planet that rules deception, is prevalent in the charts of the "astrological left", with it often aspecting Venus and the Moon simultaneously, which makes for an economic and cultural liberal. People's political viewpoints are things that people tend to feel very strongly about, hence the "pull" I mentioned.

For example, the year I got into astrology was 2013. My Solar Return for that year had Sun, Mercury, Venus (the chart ruler), and Jupiter in my 9th house! The 9th house rules philosophies and world views, and it was only fitting that the way I viewed the world began to change that year, through astrology! Mars, the planet that rules action, was in the 8th house, which rules "occult" subjects. Because of those indicators, I felt the "pull" to dabble in astrology in November 2013, and 5 years later I'm continuing to practice astrology and am STILL learning even! In my natal, I have Moon conjunct Pluto in Scorpio (the sign that rules the "occult"), Mars in Pisces (the sign that rules spirituality), and Sun and Jupiter in the 9th house. Interest in astrology and different world views are prevalent in my natal as well. Pull...

While free will does exist in life, it is given too much credit, as some things are just meant to be, especially if they are to play a major role in your life, like astrology and left wing politics have in mine.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Stacey Abrams

This post is on Stacey Abrams.


Leftist- Neptune in 2nd house, ruler of Venus Uranus trine South Node, coruler Saturn conjunct South Node, ruler of 2nd house Pluto in 12th house sextile Neptune
Rightist- Coruler of 2nd house Mars trine North Node, Venus parallel North Node

Strong economic lean to the left.


Leftist- Moon opposite Neptune and parallel South Node, ruler of Moon Mercury conjunct Neptune and quincunx South Node, ruler of 4th house Saturn conjunct South Node
Rightist- Saturn in Cancer, North Node parallel 4th house cusp

Cultural liberal.


Libertarian- Pallas conjunct Sun, ruler of Pallas Jupiter parallel Mercury
Authoritarian- Jupiter trine Pluto

Mixed, leaning defensive.

Fiscally and socially to the left, defensive Pallas- Principled Progressive

Like Ocasio-Cortez, this describes Stacey Abrams VERY well.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This post is on New York Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


Leftist- Venus and 2nd house cusp parallel Neptune, ruler of Venus Jupiter opposite Neptune
Rightist- Venus on 2nd house cusp

This suggests a strong lean to the left.


Leftist- Moon and its ruler Mars square Neptune, rulers of 4th house Saturn and Uranus conjunct Neptune, Saturn sesquiquadrate South Node, Mars on 12th house cusp
Rightist- North Node in 4th house

Once again, a STRONG lean to the left.


Libertarian- Pallas opposite Mercury and parallel North Node, ruler of Pallas Mars conjunct Sun
Authoritarian- Mars square Jupiter and semi sextile Pluto

Mixed, though leaning Libertarian.

Fiscally and socially to the left, defensive Pallas- Principled Progressive

This paints a pretty accurate picture of her during her campaign and after, as shown by her challenging the Democratic Establishment, most notably Nancy Pelosi. It is no secret that the old ways of doing things just aren't working anymore, and many in the Pluto in Scorpio/Neptune in Capricorn generation, which I'm a part of as well as her, know that.