Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Consideration Cycle

I already made a post based on this theory with Pluto and Neptune being indicators of innate compassion and empathy, but this describes the whole theory. Dick Minnerly's theory on human nature is called the Consideration Cycle, which is based on five categories, with two planets constituting each category. The five categories in order:

Will Thought Feeling Judgment Power

Here are the planet combinations that comprise each category, with the order of the planets and the charges to form the balanced impulse of each category, which is in parenthesis)

Will- Moon/Saturn (feminine/masculine)
Thought- Mercury/Uranus (masculine/feminine)
Feeling- Venus/Neptune (feminine/masculine)
Judgment- Mars/Pluto (masculine/feminine)
Power- Jupiter/Sun (feminine/masculine)

The lists of impulses:

Balanced Will- Planner
Projective Will- Creator
Assimilative Will- Follower
Reversed Will- Denier

Balanced Thought- Reasoner
Projective Thought- Speaker
Assimilative Thought- Listener
Reversed Thought- Skeptic

Balanced Feeling- Harmonist
Projective Feeling- Emotionalist
Assimilative Feeling- Sybarite
Reversed Feeling- Spectator

Balanced Judgment- Moralist
Projective Judgment- Egoist
Assimilative Judgment- Altruist
Reversed Judgment- Nihilist

Balanced Power- Progressive (moderate leftist)
Projective Power- Radical (extreme leftist)
Assimilative Power- Liberal (moderate rightist)
Reversed Power- Conservative (extreme rightist)

Reversed is always the opposite of the balanced impulse, Projective is always two masculine planets, and Assimilative is always two feminine planets. My pattern goes like this:


Balanced Will and Power, Projective Thought, and Assimilative Feeling and Judgment. Also in Minnerly's theory is that certain charges result in the innateness of certain qualities, meaning that we were born with them, and thus they come naturally:

Innate Compassion- Feminine Pluto
Innate Empathy- Feminine Neptune
Innate Sympathy- Feminine Mars
Innate Tolerance- Feminine Jupiter
Innate Affection- Feminine Venus
Innate Ambition- Masculine Mars
Innate Independence- Masculine Sun
Innate Intelligence- Masculine Mercury
Innate Rationality- Feminine Uranus
Innate Responsibility- Masculine Saturn
Innate Open-Mindedness- Feminine Moon
Innate Passion- Masculine Neptune

This is very accurate, as I have all of these except for affection, ambition, passion, and rationality. For example, I have always been accepting of others for the way they are without being taught it, because of my feminine Jupiter, and I've always been very intelligent for my age, because of my masculine Mercury. However, I'm more playful than warm around people I know and have a tendency to become stagnant when there isn't anything that needs to get done, because of my masculine Venus and feminine Mars.

This theory provides great insight as to the strengths and weaknesses of everyone, as nobody will have innateness in every area, and knowing which areas need work and which areas come naturally in each person will result in healthier relationships, as no area will become suppressed for another.

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