Thursday, February 1, 2018

Ann Coulter- Revised

This is a revised post on Ann Coulter, who has the Capricorn rising look.


Leftist- South Node on 2nd house cusp, ruler of Venus Jupiter square Neptune, ruler of 2nd house Uranus quintile Neptune, coruler Saturn parallel 12th house cusp, Neptune parallel 2nd house cusp
Rightist- Venus squine North Node, Jupiter quindecile North Node

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon in 12th house, ruler of Moon Jupiter square Neptune, Neptune elevated
Rightist- Moon trine North Node, ruler of 4th house Venus squine North Node, Jupiter quindecile North Node, North Node parallel 4th house cusp

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Pallas square Sun and Mercury, ruler of Pallas Neptune semi sextile Mercury
Authoritarian- Pallas opposite Pluto, Neptune sextile Pluto and square Jupiter, coruler of Pallas Jupiter biquintile/contraparallel Pluto, Neptune parallel South Node, South Node at Pallas/Jupiter midpoint

Aggressive Pallas.

Fiscally to the left, socially to the right, aggressive Pallas- Right wing authoritarian

Not much changed outside of the economics, which can indicate fascism, especially with her negative Pallas aspects.

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