Saturday, December 17, 2016

Compassion and Empathy- Generational?

One of the main theories of philosopher Dick Minnerly is that certain generations are innately compassionate and empathetic and that certain generations aren't. Empathy is the act of feeling somebody's pains and understanding why they're feeling them, and compassion is the act of wishing to relieve those pains. Pluto is the indicator of compassion and Neptune is the indicator of empathy, which does make sense in a way as Neptune is a very feeling planet, while Pluto is about feeling, and taking action. The currently active compassionate generations are: 1912-1939, 1956-1972, 1983-1995, and 2008-2024. The compassionless generations are: 1937-1957, 1971-1984, and 1995-2008. The currently active empathetic generations are: 1928-1943, 1955-1970, 1984-1998, and 2011-2026. The unempathetic generations are: 1914-1929, 1942-1956, 1970-1984, and 1998-2012. While it's clear that not everybody in these generations will be good or bad people, as these qualities can be reversed in a way by being taught the importance of caring for others at a young age, as well as the opposite, but I have noticed these qualities. For example, the parents of the Pluto in Leos, the Pluto in Cancers from 1914-1929 with Neptune in Leo, sacrificed everything to give their children the life they never had, being teenagers during the Great Depression. However, they weren't empathetic towards their children's need for individualism, and this, combined with the incompatible Pluto energies, created a major generational gap. On the good side, this sacrifice allowed for the Pluto Leos to be the wealthiest generation. However, the well-being of every generation afterwards has decreased, and a lot of this is because the Pluto Leos refuse to sacrifice and step out of the spotlight so the younger generations can have a similar quality of life, and thus not being compassionate. When the younger generations, most notably the young adults right now, Pluto in Scorpio, call them out on this, they tend to say that those younger generations just don't have the drive and work ethic that they do, while ignoring that the world was a lot more different in the 60s and 70s than it is now, and thus not being empathetic. Once again, not everybody is this way, as it is generalized, but this is truth.

However, there are exceptions to this rule near the borders of each generation, according to Minnerly. Any planet that's direct and at 29 degrees 20 minutes (29'20) or later of the current sign will have the "charge" of the next sign (the Moon is the exception as it will have the next sign's charge at 29 degrees or later, because it moves the fastest). Retrograde planets past 29'20 of their current sign will have the charge of that same sign, if it goes before 29'20 within 30 days. Retrograde planets at 0 degrees of a sign will only have the charge if the previous sign if it goes before 29'20 of the previous sign within 30 days. So for example, anybody with Pluto or Neptune in a feminine sign past 29'20 and direct will not be innately compassionate or empathetic, and anybody with Pluto or Neptune past 29'20 and direct in a masculine sign will be innately compassionate or empathetic (every Neptune Libra in 1957 has the Scorpio charge, every Pluto Leo in 1958 has the Virgo charge, and every Neptune Capricorn in August-November 1998 still has the Aquarius charge). This also solves the "cusp" issue and why some feel like their current sign and others the next or previous sign (I have Venus in Gemini at the border of Cancer, yet feel like a Gemini Venus because it goes before 29'20 within 30 days, and have Saturn at 0 degrees Capricorn, yet feel like a Saturn in Sagittarius because it goes before 29'20 Sagittarius within 30 days).

This is why younger people tend to relate more to their grandparents (most Pluto Scorpios have Pluto Cancer grandparents, due to Pluto in Cancer being a 27 year generation, and thus being the parents of most Pluto Leos and Pluto Virgos) than their parents, especially if their Pluto and Neptune square or semi sextile those of their parents (and even if they don't, as the trine is a stronger aspect than the sextile).

References: (astrological ephemeris of all planets, for every century) (both these links explain Minnerly's theories, and his book, which is highly recommended, talks about the differences in charges around the cusps of signs)

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