Thursday, December 21, 2017

Jill Stein

This post is on Jill Stein.


Leftist- Venus in 12th house opposite Neptune and Neptune/South Node midpoint, ruler of Venus Mars contraparallel Neptune
Rightist- Venus conjunct North Node, Taurus rules 2nd house, Mars quindecile North Node

Fiscal liberal.


Leftist- Moon opposite Neptune and quadrinovile South Node, ruler of Moon Mars contraparallel Neptune
Rightist- Cancer rules 4th house, Mars quindecile North Node

Cultural liberal.


Libertarian- Ruler of Pallas Pluto square Sun and Mercury, coruler Mars trine Sun and Mercury
Authoritarian- Pallas ruled by and square Pluto

Defensive Pallas.

Fiscally and socially to the left, defensive Pallas- Principled Progressive

Even if she did accept money from Russia, the chart shows that she likely really does believe the left wing ideology she promotes and isn't a right wing infiltrator, which is much less common than left wing infiltrators on the right.

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