Wednesday, January 3, 2018

James Comey

This post is on James Comey.


Leftist- Venus square Neptune, ruler of Venus Uranus quindecile South Node and contraparallel 12th house cusp
Rightist- Venus biquintile North Node, Taurus rules 2nd house, coruler of Venus Saturn trine North Node

Fiscal conservative.


Leftist- Moon conjunct Neptune and parallel South Node, ruler of Moon Pluto sextile Neptune, coruler Mars trine Neptune and South Node
Rightist- Mars in Cancer in 4th house, Cancer rules 4th house, Pluto conjunct North Node and at midpoint of Moon and 4th house cusp

Cultural conservative.


Libertarian- Ruler of Pallas Uranus trine Sun, coruler Saturn trine North Node and parallel Sun and Mercury
Authoritarian- Uranus quindecile South Node and sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Saturn trine Pluto

Defensive Pallas.

Fiscally and socially to the right, defensive Pallas- Paleoconservative

A little more authoritarian than Mueller, but still a strong ethical compass.


  1. Just wondering where the source for the birth time?

  2. You didn't respond. I used 18:00 in my book as the Swati 2nd pada (Bhativedant College "questionable means of living, hidden passions, secretive acts."
